A new update is available! You're on v, while the latest version available is v.
Please note that updating will clear the cache and delete all of your previously downloaded songs.
This track was created by Artist and is licensed under the Unknown license.
The download should have started. If not, click here.
With this update comes the addition of many various new songs and a new radio. Old radios have been updated to include more songs, and a better randomness system. The Summer radio will be taken off the featured playlists area later this month and will be replaced with the Autumn playlist. You will still be able to access the Summer radio within the new Archives tab.
Added in v1.2:
~ Many new songs and updated playlists!
~ A new radio (the Autumn radio) featuring all-new songs.
~ A new section on the sidebar (the Archives) that allows you to switch to old seasonal radios, such as the Summer radio!
In this update, the Live radio has been added, along with many bug fixes & polish. The Live radio allows you to listen to the radio as if it were a real radio, as it is synced to the server and streams song data directly to your device. Now, you're able to listen to the same song at the same timestamp as anyone else, and it features a great shuffling algorithm. Here's a rough changelog for this release:
+ Added the Live Radio to the list of radios, using the same radio playlist as the Classic radio!
~ Better shuffling algorithm, more random music
~ Various UI upgrades, fixes, backend changes, etc.
Added in v1.1:
~ Fixed Live radio integration, much better backend script
~ Fixed many Live radio bugs, such as the download button not being hidden & the play/pause button glitching.
~ Cleaned up Live radio UI, added notice in the top left corner, Live radio is now out of Beta!
Today is a big day for Lofi Player! In this release, the application has now finally exited beta and entered the maintenance stage of software development! All known bugs have been fixed and a few minor improvements have been added. Here's the changelog for this first stable release:
+ Added a new download information menu for when an item is downloaded. It also gives a link option if the browser doesn't support automatic downloads.
~ Fixed every UI bug known and the application is fully ready for release. Everything has been minified and made more compact.
~ Permanent script version numbering has been put in place, and the server headers have been modified to prepare for the load of more users. The server should now be able to handle many users using the service at the same time.
It is very important to know that there will still be updates in the future, however they will be smaller and won't contain as many features as compared to the rapid application development cycle that has been achieved through the past 2 weeks. There will also be regular music updates with additional music added over time. They won't recieve a changelog entry, however you will still notice an 'Update' message due to the nature of the cached radios. There will also be a new radio released throughout each season, such as the Summer radio, Winter radio, and so on. Some special radios (such as the Halloween radio and the Christmas radio) may be released for some holidays and seasonal events. This is very likely to be the last authored release for a while. Anyways, enjoy the application and stay updated if you want more songs!
This is the last beta release! The next version, 1.0, will officially bring Lofi Player out of beta! In this version, a lot of code clean-up and feature improvements have been added in order to prepare for the release. Everything should be working as expected now, and it is very important that all bugs get squashed before the next update. If you have any other bugs that need fixing, let me know thru my contact form! Anyways, even though most of the effort went into preparing for the out-of-beta release, many useful new features were added within this update! This happens to be one of the largest updates yet, packed with many improvements that will really make you want to click that "Update" button. Here's a rough outline of what's included with this release:
+ Added the new Summer radio, just in time for summer! This also brings a new "Featured" badge to this new radio and has been separated from the rest of the navigation panel icons.
+ URL update! The URL is now much cleaner and doesn't include the slash. This makes the link look much more professional and better when sharing or copying. This means you must update your saved links (if applicable) and reinstall the downloadable client app.
+ New license & attribution feature! In the bottom right corner, there is now a Licensing button that shows you the license and details of the current song. This helps to provide attribution for upcoming songs that will require it, and helps to let you know what restrictions are placed on a certain track.
+ New download track feature! If you like a song and want to save it to your device, there's now a "Download Track" button available next to the new License button!
~ Fixed the download all assets feature and it should fully work now. It should be noted that it is only able to automatically download the featured seasonal radio for bandwidth and storage reasons. The featured radio name is now visible on the information menu for the download button.
~ Made many CSS improvements once again to better the experience for all users. This includes much-needed CSS animation improvements to the sidebar items, buttons (including the music player buttons), and links.
~ All text on the application has been updated to look more professional.
~ Massive sidebar overhaul! There is now a better separator and Featured badge, the sidebar looks better on large screens, and there are many, many new animations.
~ Better shuffling engine. The shuffling engine uses the better, less biased Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm rather than the previous algorithm.
~ Full responsiveness has been added to the new license button feature, it works perfectly on all devices as expected, with thorough testing. Along with this, many new animations were added to make it feel clean and professional. This also applies to the new download button, and CSS code was reused as much as possible, resulting in a cleaner and faster experience.
~ All elements on the application have animations and previous animations were fine-tuned to be faster and cleaner.
In releases v0.65 to 0.8, there have been many new QoL (Quality of Life) features added. A new update notification system will now tell you when you need to update. A new (partial) download script will now automatically add the songs to your device, so you don't have to do it manually. A better version numbering scheme, and many new bugs fixed help to bring you a better experience.
+ Added a new update detection feature that detects when you're using an outdated version and allows you to easily update to a new version. This is only available on v0.8 and up!
+ Partially added a new download script (available in the About menu) that allows you to download the songs to your device to use offline.
+ New referral system! If you got referred to this website, you will now see a new About menu popup on first load.
+ New Radio! Along with this referral system, the Intro radio has been added! This is meant to introduce lo-fi to people who haven't heard it before. This radio includes hand-picked songs meant for easy and effective listening.
~ Added many new QoL features, such as more animations (with flyouts, such as the new Update notification and the active links)
~ Better error handling and error improvements within the ServiceWorker and main script.
~ Better compatibility with the MusicSession API!
~ Code has more comments and is cleaner and faster (and still doesn't have any dependencies!)
~ Less warnings with a better, custom preloading system (Instead of the built-in HTML preloading system, the main lofi player background is now auto-loaded and other radios have a better background loading system (with an even better placeholder system coming soon!)
~ Better version and changelog system (starting from this update forward) where instead of including updates from multiple versions, there will be less versions but with more features and every update log will include just that single version.
All known bugs, issues, and glitches have been fixed. Many new features have been added, along with a new radio and many new songs! Everything should work as expected, and if it doesnt, then let me know through my contact form! Here's just a few things that were included within the updates between v0.5 and v0.65:
+ Added a feature where URLs now show the radio title and can be indexed by search engines and shared directly
+ Added some SEO to the project
+ Added support for Webkit songs, so now it shows track information on your phone screen!
+ Added some extra songs to the Classic radio
+ Added a new "Focus" radio
$ Made the lofi player faster
$ Added more accessibility features for screen readers and impaired users
~ Fixed many bugs with playing / pausing on music embeds
~ Fixed many UI bugs for phones and mobile devices (though some do remain for very small mobile devices)
~ Fixed many Webkit player errors, so now it should work perfectly on all devices
~ Fixed all known errors, bugs, and glitches within the lofi player
In this update, I've fixed many various bugs, did many various stylistic HTML & CSS updates, and much more behind-the-scenes. Here's a rough list of things included in the releases betwen v0.2 and v0.5:
+ Added a new fade / unfade details animation when the audio is paused and unpaused
+ Added more backgrounds (and updated other backgrounds) for all radios
$ Added a quality of life feature where when skipping a track while paused it will continue staying paused
$ Many various different small CSS changes for better compatibility with other devices & various other stylistic changes
~ Fixed a bug where going backwards from track 1 will cause an error and required 2 backwards clicks
~ Fixed some various other bugs while going backwards
~ Fixed many errors with unfinished radios, now they won't show an error and will instead display "Unfinished" text.
There were many other things that were fixed and added with this release, however this list only includes a rough outline of what's been changed. Stay tuned for more cool new updates!
In this update, Lofi Player has now exited pre-beta, as all features now work properly! As you can see, there are now over 120 different public domain songs for you to listen to, all featured within this new "Classic" radio! I have now introduced a new system for switching between radios, which you can now test by going to the "Summer" radio and listening to a few test songs! This update includes backgrounds, radio transitions, song transition animations, fading-out when switching radios, updated the mobile menu, adds a new shuffling feature (the radio auto-shuffles when you load a new radio!) and fixed many bugs! I really hope you enjoy this update (because I spent the whole day on it!) and I would appreciate it if you spread the news about this new application to your friends! Thank you for using Lofi Player, and be ready for some awesome new updates!
Hello and welcome to my new Lofi Player! Here, you have quick & easy access to great lo-fi songs for free! As of now, this is in pre-beta and many features don't work. Anyways, as you can see, the Changelog feature is finished & properly animated, as well as the mobile menu and the modal system. The About system is also finished and most page menus work great! Stay tuned here for some awesome updates coming soon!
Welcome to AmazinAxel's Lo-Fi player! Here, you have easy and quick access to free lofi playlists that you can use for streaming, studying, focusing, coding, sleeping, or just about anything! This application is very easy to use, you just click what radio station (also called playlists) you want to listen to, and you're done!
Lo-fi, also called low-fidelity audio or lofi, is a sub-genre of hip-hop designed specifically for letting you focus and reduce distractions. It uses various techniques, such as little to no lyrics, grainy audio, calming & chill instrumentals, purposeful technical flaws, and a slow & consistent rhythm to help you focus on the task at hand. It's been proven by many various credible sources & colleges to be effective. Lofi is designed to be easy to listen to and pleasant to listen to. There are many different types of lofi, and I have included many different pre-made playlists here. However, it's good to know that this is not the only place to listen to lofi music. There are many other 24/7 radios available on YouTube and many other good lofi & chill radios available on Spotify and other music streaming platforms.
Before I go any further, I would like to state that I did not create any of the songs played on this music player. Every song contained in this player is either public domain or a non-restrictive Creative Commons license. Every song on here is available for public, everyday use, and for commercial purposes. You are allowed to use these songs in a livestream, a video, for social media, or for persional use without prior permission, and you are even allowed to use these songs commercially (such as monetizing a YouTube video) If you have a question, a complaint about a certain license or need specific licensing information for a specific track, let me know through my Contact form. I would also like to thank the Free Music Archive group for giving me a great place for looking for awesome, freely-usable tracks to use on this site.
Seasonal, featured radios are archived to keep these radios fresh. These are all the archived radios:
This website is a PWA, also known as a Progressive Web Application. This means you can use this website offline and continue listening to music, even if you have no internet connection. You can even download this app (on select browsers) to your phone. Instead of installing a music player & having to add the music yourself, just download this application & click the button below to load all the tracks and you'll be able to use this like an app offline! Another useful feature is the ability to continue listening to this music, even when your device is turned off. This app supports the MediaSession API, meaning all controls should work (such as the play / pause button, forward, back, etc.) as expected on your Media widget on your device. (If you ever need to regain access to the introduction radio, click me!)
Are you planning on not having Wi-Fi for a while? No worries, just download all the music assets now and use this application completely offline! It is recommend to add the site to your homescreen first before continuing to prevent the cache from being automatically cleared. Please note that this download feature only supports the latest seasonal radio (which is currently the Autumn Lofi radio) for bandwidth and storage reasons.